What we believe
We believe that all people are created in the image of God and God has poured out grace to all people equally.
We believe in grace, which is the love of God poured out. God loves us and seeks to be in relationship with us.
We believe in justifying grace which is the time when we realize that God loves us and that we will continue to work and strive to serve God and be in relationship with God.
We believe in perfecting grace, this is something we continue to work for, and it is a time when we are perfect in our relationship with God and are one with God.
We believe it is important for us to gather together regularly to lift each other up as a community, to serve, to pray and to worship God.
We believe in the power of prayer, not only to transform our own lives but also the lives of those around us and the world.
We believe in two sacraments, baptism and The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion). This is a time where God acts in our lives and offers us grace and love.