How many of you take turns saying grace before meals? In our house we do and sometimes it's the same prayer over and over. I'll be honest I wish there were times when they were not the same everyday. But you know what - the most important thing is that we give thanks to God. Which got me thinking - we know that God loves each of us but I wonder if we sometimes forget it. Let me explain.
We are now on 6 weeks of being at home for school, church, sports, everything. And in our house I think we are getting tired of each other. We miss our friends & doing things that we love, when we love them. We know that God loves us but sometimes question if God loves our stinking brothers or sisters or even our parents as much. We are always right and of course God is on our side. The thing about this though is that God is always on everyone's side. God loves us all. We use a word to describe the love that God has for us as grace - a blessing and love that we do not earn. What happens when we practice the kind of love God has for us with everyone around us? It's a lot more joyful place.
So here is our challenge for the next couple of days - before we yell, get mad or storm off because something isn't going right - take a deep breath and remember that God loves us just as much as the person we are with. I wonder what will happen after a couple of days of practice. Let me know what you experience. Let's pray: God we love you and we know you love us. Help us to practice your love with everyone we are with, including ourselves. In Jesus name, Amen.