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Easter Monday - All Ages

Writer's picture: Pastor ChristiePastor Christie

Grace & Peace to you in the name of our Risen Lord. For all too many folks Easter is over. For them, Easter, like Christmas is a single day. Yet, Easter, like Christmas is a full season in the life of the church. Christmas lasts 12 days beginning on 12/25 - 1/5. Easter because we do not have a fixed date begins on the the 1st Sunday, after the first full moon after the Vernal equinox (which is March 21st). In 2020 Easter begins on 4/12 and continues for 50 days. In worship we will be exploring living into the unknown. In the Gospel of John & Luke there are several stories that happen between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension before we get to the 50th day Pentecost.

So now that you've had your church history lesson for the day - what is one way you can practice living a faithful life into the unknown? For me, I am going to practice going slow and paying attention to the beauty that is around me. I am not going to work to the exclusion of joy with those who live with me. I am going to put away my computer and spend as much time away from it as possible. What will you do?

God thank you for loving us that you sent your Son to live among us, to die our death and raise him, and us into eternal life. Help us to take joy today in what we do so that it may be a sweet expression of our faith in you. Amen.

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